FolgenD*: Nora Sternfeld
- Aug 2020
Online + On-site
“How can we act together in a world that isolates us?” Nora Sternfeld rephrasing Judith Butler
A digital conversation between Nora Sternfeld and In the Meantime followed by an exchange in small groups. In the conversation, Nora Sternfeld gave an insight into her projects (e.g. Café Partisan, Bergen Assembly) and introduced some of the terms and thoughts that run through her work, e.g. Unlearning or the Radical Democratic Museum.
Together we were thinking about how a collective knowledge production could look like at an art academy that not only strives for critical content but also critical structures. Furthermore, we asked ourselves how physical spaces can support the idea of learning with fewer hierarchies and how these spaces could look like.

Preparation for online talk with Nora Sternfeld

Infrastructure for online talk

Offline participants in Folgendes Room
Photo credit: Elisa Goldammer